One of the most popular Hindi culinary reality TV shows, MasterChef India, premiered its 8th season on October 16. In this series on SonyLIV, food enthusiasts and aspiring chefs gather under one roof, taking on culinary challenges to impress esteemed chef judges and vie for the winner’s trophy. After a month-long journey on the show, MasterChef India 8 crowned its champion. Mohammed Aashiq from Mangaluru emerged victorious, surpassing fellow contestants Nambie Jessica Marak and Rukhsaar Sayeed, who secured the first and second runner-up positions in the season finale held on Friday, December 8.
Congratulations flooded in for the 24-year-old Mohammed Aashiq, who captured the judges’ attention with his culinary expertise, securing the coveted MasterChef India 8 trophy. SonyLIV India shared a picture of the young chef on Instagram, praising, “A huge round of applause for Mohammed Ashiq, the culinary dynamo and now the winner of MasterChef India! Your flavors spoke volumes, and your passion resonated with every dish. An exhilarating journey, a well-deserved title!”
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Chef Ranveer Brar, one of the judges on MasterChef India 8, praised Mohammed Aashiq’s victory with a brief and heartfelt message on Instagram. “From an inspiring beginning to a challenging journey, your relentless pursuit for more never ceased. Congratulations on becoming the MasterChef, Mohd. Ashiq!” applauded Ranveer. Fellow judges Pooja Dhingra and Vikas Khanna also showered Mohammed Aashiq with praise for his dedication and hard work in mastering his craft.
Also read: Salman Khan unveils the top 3 contestants on Bigg Boss 17, with Munawar eliminated.
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During the grand finale of MasterChef India 8, the judges tasked the final four contestants with preparing their signature dish. With 90 minutes and access to an open pantry, the competitors showcased their culinary skills. Mohammed Aashiq astounded Ranveer Brar with his crab dish—a seafood creation that left the judge in awe. Praising the young talent from Mangaluru, Ranveer remarked, “Your hands are blessed, my child. They call me a machine at spotting mistakes, but in this dish, I can’t find any. This was entirely yours, your creation.”
Reflecting on his journey in the 8th season, Mohammed Aashiq, who had previously participated in MasterChef Season 7, described it as a “profound lesson.” He acknowledged that the experience gained on the show had “transformed his life.” “This victory isn’t just mine; it’s for every dreamer who defies the odds to pursue their aspirations,” expressed Mohammed Aashiq. Prior to joining MasterChef India 8, he operated a juice shop in Mangaluru.
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